Saturday, January 8, 2011

About that title...

So what exactly do I mean by "Family Historical Trust"?

To me, a historical trust is when there is a place, artifact, picture, document, etc. of such historical significance that it warrants a higher than usual level of protection so that it can be appreciated by current and future generations. Just as parents have some responsibility to not unduly squander their children's inheritance, so do current generations have a responsibility not to waste the cultural inheritance of future generations.

The US federal government has the National Archives, the Smithsonian and the National Parks service all working to preserve various historic places, documents, etc. State and local governments have similar (though much smaller) organizations. What about at the family level, though?

Try looking in a mirror.

Most families don't have the resources for a museum and staff, so, of necessity, the work will have to be done entirely by volunteers. If you pick up the slack then the family pictures and videos you save will be available for future generations of your family. If you don't then, in the next disaster, they will all be lost.

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